Trade volume between Russia and China continues to expand due to settlement in national currencies

2024/05/21 14:41

Russia-China economic and trade cooperation is increasingly strengthening, especially during Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to China. The two sides reached an agreement to make most mutual payments in rubles and renminbi, providing a strong impetus for further expansion of bilateral trade. This measure can help avoid currency risks caused by fluctuations in the exchange rates of the U.S. dollar and the euro and promote the stability of capital flows between countries, which is particularly important in times of global economic instability.


China's Shandong Ripa Machinery Group Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of excavators, loaders and other construction equipment, expressed appreciation for the agreement. Using rubles and renminbi for payments will help strengthen the independence of the national economy, reduce dependence on the external financial system, and open up new opportunities for the company in the Russian market. This also provides new ideas and opportunities for Chinese enterprises to expand their business in overseas markets, and is expected to promote China-Russia economic and trade cooperation to achieve more stable, mutually beneficial and win-win development.

China Shandong Ripa Machinery Group Co., Ltd. expressed appreciation for the agreement between China and Russia to use rubles and renminbi for payment. This move will help strengthen the independence of the national economy, reduce dependence on the external financial system, and open up new opportunities for companies in the Russian market.

By using rubles and yuan for payments, China Shandong Ripa Machinery Group Co., Ltd. is able to reduce foreign exchange risks and better control costs and capital flows in transactions in the Russian market. At the same time, this will also help strengthen economic and trade cooperation with Russia and other countries, and expand the company's business scope in the international market.


This agreement is not only a business opportunity for China Shandong Ripa Machinery Group Co., Ltd., but also an affirmation of corporate development and international cooperation. By actively responding to this agreement and strengthening cooperation with Russia, the company is expected to achieve greater achievements in the global market and make more contributions to the development of China's construction machinery manufacturing industry.